There have been some questions around the basis of the choice of Uniform. The ACU Uniform is the coice of Silent Strike Paintball because of its versitialty. The uniform can be deployed in Urban areas like Camp Blanding FL, CQB areas of operation, as well as all woodland areas of operation.
You dont have to purchace the complete Top and Bottom set, but it is highlt recommended. Most of our area of operations will be in woodland areas and the top will oprotest you from surrounding vegitation irritation like posion ivy or posion oak. It will also provide as a added layer of protection from hits to your arms.
However with that said please feel free to purchase any kind of top that you prefer. If you purchace a ACU vest or have a cut off ACU top please make sure your T-shirt is either Black, Tan or Olive drab in color. this way we will still be uniform when we play together.
I dont know if you remember last weekend when we played, the Decepctacons were out there pratcing and they looked all mixed up. Some in Woodland Cammo, some were in desert camo and others were in speed ball uniforms. Now they may have several operating uniforms, but that is not the image I want for Silent Strike. We should be uniform as much as possible.
I will be getting us Speedball Jerseys (out of my own pocket) soon, but they will have the ACU pattern on the top and bottoms. You are still responsible for the ACU uniform, the ones im am purchasing will be in addition and i will post a pic below.
Thank you.